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Advertise with Google Ads in 2024

In this article, we will explain everything about advertising on Google in 2024. We will keep you updated on the latest developments in Google Ads and give you tips and tricks to get the most out of your advertisements in 2024.

Sem Wattez

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Sem – Advertising Specialist

Hoe adverteren via Google

What is Google Ads work and does it work?


Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google that allows businesses to display ads on Google and its ad network. Google Ads allows you to create and run ads in a variety of formats, including text, image, and video ads, to reach potential customers on Google Search and Google Maps, as well as on other websites and apps that are part of the Google Ads network. These ads can be targeted to specific users based on their interests and location, and you can track the performance of your ads in real time.


With Google Ads, you only have to pay for the ads users click on, making it a cost-effective way to reach potential customers and drive traffic to your website.



Why use Google Ads for businesses?


There are several reasons why you should consider using Google Ads for your business. First, Google Ads allows you to reach a large and targeted audience. With Google Ads, you can place your ads in front of potential customers searching for products or services related to your business, which can increase visibility and drive traffic to your website. In addition, Google Ads allows you to tailor your ads to specific demographics, locations, and interests so that the right people see your ads.


Another reason why you should use Google Ads is that it can help you generate leads and sales. By creating effective ads and targeting them to the right audience, you can increase your chances of generating leads and sales from your ad efforts. Google Ads also provides you with detailed tracking and reporting tools, which can help you understand the performance of your ads and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns and improve your returns.


Google Ads is a flexible and cost-effective advertising platform for your business. With Google Ads, you can set your own budget for your ad campaigns and pay only for the ads that users click on. This allows you to control your advertising spending and maximize your budget.



Setting up a Google Ads campaign


When setting up a Google ad, there are several important points to consider to ensure the success of your campaign. Here is a roadmap to get you started:


  1. Determine your goals: Before you begin setting up your ad, it is important to determine what you want to achieve with your campaign. This will help you determine the right strategy and tactics, and it will also help you measure the success of your ad. Some common goals for Google Ads campaigns include increasing brand awareness, generating leads and boosting sales.

  2. Choose your ad format: Google Ads offers several ad formats, including text ads, image ads and video ads. Choose the ad format that is most appropriate for your business and your goals. For example, if you want to showcase your products, an image ads may be the best choice, while a video ad may be more effective for telling a story about your brand.

  3. Select your audience: Google Ads allows you to target your ads to specific demographics, locations and interests. Use this feature to select the audience most likely to be interested in your products or services. You can also use keywords to target your ads to users searching for specific terms related to your business.

  4. Create your ad: Once you have a clear idea of your goals and audience, you can start creating your ad. Use a compelling headline and description to grab people's attention and tell them what your business offers. Include a call to action (CTA) that tells people what you want them to do next, such as visit your website or call your business.

  5. Determine your budget and bidding strategy: Google Ads operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, which means you only pay for the ads that users click on. Set a budget appropriate for your business and your goals, and choose a bidding strategy tailored to your objectives. For example, if your goal is to generate leads, you can use a bidding strategy aimed at getting as many clicks as possible within your budget.

  6. Choose your targeting options: Use the targeting options in Google Ads to make sure your ad is shown to the right people. You can target your ad by location, language, device and other factors to ensure it is relevant to your audience.

  7. Check the performance of your ad by logging into your Google Ads account and clicking on the "Campaigns" tab. You can see the overall performance of your campaigns, as well as more detailed information about the keywords, ad groups and locations driving traffic to your website. If necessary, adjust your ad based on performance. For example, if you notice that a particular ad is not getting many clicks, you can change the targeting or adjust the keywords to make them more relevant to potential customers.



What keywords do I use for my Google ad? 


When setting up a Google Ads campaign, it is important to choose the right keywords. These keywords should be relevant to your business and the products or services you offer. They should also be commonly used by potential customers when searching for businesses like yours. To find the right keywords, you can use a keyword research tool to see what terms people are searching for and how much competition there is for those keywords. You can also use the Keyword Planner within Google Ads to help you find and select the right keywords for your campaign. Once you have selected your keywords, you can use them in your ad text and targeting settings to make sure your ad is shown to the right audience.


The Google Keyword Planner


The Keyword Planner is a tool within Google Ads that helps advertisers with keyword research. It allows users to search for keywords and view data on their search volumes and competition levels. This information can be useful for planning ad campaigns and making decisions about which keywords to target. The Keyword Planner is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve the performance of their Google Ads campaigns. The tool also provides data on estimated clicks, impressions and costs for each keyword, which can help you plan your ad budget and strategy. All in all, the Keyword Planner is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve the performance of their Google Ads campaigns.

Keywordplanner Google

What types of keywords are there in Google Ads? 


In Google Ads, there are three types of keywords: broad match, phrase match and exact match.


  1. Broad match keywords are the most common type of keyword. They will link a search query to your ad, even if the search query contains only some of the words in your keyword. For example, if your keyword is "red shoes," your ad may be shown for a search like "buy red sneakers."

  2. Phrase match keywords are more specific than broad match keywords. They will match a search query to your ad only if it contains the exact phrase of your keyword, in the same order. For example, if your keyword is "red shoes," your ad may be shown for a search like "where to buy red shoes," but not for a search like "red sneakers for sale."

  3. Exact match keywords are the most specific type of keyword. They will match a search query to your ad only if it contains the exact keyword, in the same order and with no extra words. For example, if your keyword is "red shoes," your ad may be shown for a search like "red shoes," but not for a search like "red shoes for women."



How do I write the ad copy for my Google ads?


To write the perfect ad copy for your Google Ads, follow these steps:

  1. Start with a compelling headlines that grabs your target audience's attention and clearly communicates what your business offers.

  2. Use description to expand on your headline and provide more information about your business and what sets it apart from competitors.

  3. Include a call to action (CTA) that tells the reader what you want them to do next, such as visit your website or call your business.

  4. Keep your ad copy concise and to the point. Google Ads only allows a limited number of characters, so make sure you use them wisely.

  5. Use keywords in your ad text to ensure your ad is shown to the right audience. This helps your ad appear in relevant search results and increases the chances of being clicked on.

  6. Proofread your ad text carefully to make sure there are no spelling and grammar errors.



What Google Ads extensions are there? 


There are different types of extensions you can use in your Google Ads campaigns. The best extension for your business depends on your specific goals and needs. Some common types of extensions are:


  • Sitelink extensions: These allow you to add additional links to your ad, giving people more options for where to go on your website.

  • Callout extensions: Allows you to add extra text to your ad, highlighting important features or benefits of your business.

  • Structured snippets extension: Allows you to add a list of specific items or services your business offers, making it easier for people to find what they are looking for.

  • Location extensions: Allows you to add your business address and phone number to your listing so people can find you more easily.

  • Call extensions: Allows you to add a phone number to your ad so people can easily call you directly from the ad.

  • Review extensions: Allows you to add customer ratings or reviews to your ad, building trust and credibility with potential customers.



How do you target the right audience?


To target the right audience in Google Ads, you can use the targeting options in the Google Ads interface to specify the demographics, interests, and locations of the people you want to reach. Here are some ways you can target your ads:


  • Location: You can target your ads to specific countries, regions, cities, or zip codes to make sure they are shown to people in the right geographic areas.

  • Demographics: You can target your ads to people of specific ages, genders, and parental statuses to make sure they are relevant to your audience.

  • Interests: You can use the Google Ads Interests category to target your ads to people based on their interests, such as sports, technology, or travel.

  • Remarketing: You can use remarketing to show your ads to people who have previously visited your website or interacted with your business in some way.



Google bidding system


In Google Ads, the bidding system determines which ads are shown for a particular search query and in what order. When someone performs a search on Google, the Google Ads auction is initiated, and all eligible ads are evaluated based on their bid amount and quality score. The bid amount is the maximum amount an advertiser is willing to pay for a click on their ad, and the quality score is a measure of the relevance and user experience of the ad.


Based on these factors, Google determines the ad rank for each ad, which determines its position on the search results page. The ad with the highest ad rank is shown in the top position, followed by the ads with the next highest ad ranks, and so on. If multiple ads have the same ad rank, they are shown in a random order.


Advertisers can adjust their bid amount at any time to try to improve their ad position and increase the chances of their ad being shown. However, they should be aware that increasing the bid does not necessarily guarantee a higher ad rank because quality score is also a factor. Advertisers can improve their quality score by creating relevant and user-friendly ads.



What is the quality score in Google Ads and how important is it?


In Google Ads, the quality score is a measure of an ad's relevance and user experience. It is a numeric value from 1 to 10 assigned to each ad based on factors such as the relevance of the ad's keywords, the relevance of the ad's landing page and the overall user experience of the ad. A high quality score is an indication that an ad is relevant and user-friendly, and can help improve ad performance and reduce cost-per-click (CPC).


The quality score is an important factor in the Google Ads auction because it is used to determine an ad's rank. Ad rank is an ad's position on the search results page and is determined by the bid amount and the ad's quality score. Ads with a high quality score and a high bid amount are more likely to have a higher ad ranking and be shown at a higher position on the search results page.


To improve the quality score of your ads, you can focus on creating relevant and user-friendly ads that are tailored to your business goals and the needs of your target audience. You can also ensure that the keywords you use in your ads are relevant to the products or services you offer, and that the landing page for your ad provides a good user experience. By improving your ad quality score, you can increase the likelihood of success and maximize performance.



Google Conversion Tracking


Conversion tracking is an important tool for optimizing your Google Ads campaigns. It allows you to see which keywords, ads and ad groups are generating the most conversions on your website, such as sales or signups. This information can be useful in determining which parts of your campaigns are working well and which need improvement.


By tracking conversions, you can see which keywords and ads are generating the most value for your business, and you can adjust your campaigns accordingly. For example, if you notice that certain keywords or ads are generating few conversions, you can pause or adjust them to improve their performance. On the other hand, if you see that certain keywords or ads are performing well, you can increase your bid or allocate more budget to them to maximize their impact.


What types of ads are there in Google?


There are several types of ads you can create in Google Ads, including:


  • Text ads: This is the most basic type of ad in Google Ads. They consist of a headline, description and display URL, and they are shown in search results when someone searches for keywords relevant to your business.

  • Image ads: These ads contain an image, along with a headline and description. They can be displayed on the Google Display Network, a network of partner websites and apps where Google ads can be displayed.

  • Video ads: These ads are short videos that can be displayed on the Google Display Network. They can be used to showcase your products or services in a more engaging way than text or image ads.

  • Shopping ads: These ads are specifically designed for e-commerce businesses. They include product images, prices and other details and are shown in Google Shopping results when someone searches for products relevant to your business.

  • Local ads: These ads are designed to help local businesses attract customers in their area. They contain the address and phone number of the business and are displayed in local search results when someone searches for businesses like yours.


What are the bidding strategies?


In Google Ads, you can choose from several bidding strategies to determine how you want to bid for your ad. Some common bidding strategies include:


  • Cost-per-click (CPC): With this strategy, you pay for every click on your ad. You set a maximum CPC bid, and your ad will be shown as long as the bid is high enough to win the auction.

  • Cost per impression (CPM): With this strategy, you pay for every thousand impressions of your ad. You set a maximum CPM bid, and your ad is shown as long as the bid is high enough to win the auction.

  • Target cost-per-purchase (CPA): With this strategy, you set a target CPA amount, and Google automatically adjusts your bids to try to reach that goal. This can be a good option if you want to optimize for conversions and are willing to let Google manage your bids.

  • Target return on ad spend (ROAS): With this strategy, you set a target ROAS amount, and Google automatically adjusts your bids to try to reach that goal. This can be a good option if you want to optimize for revenue and are willing to let Google manage your bids.

  • Manual CPC bidding: With this strategy, you manually set the maximum CPC bid amount for each ad, ad group or keyword. This can be a good option if you want more control over your bids and are comfortable managing them yourself.



Why outsource Google Ads? 


There are several reasons why you might want to outsource your Google Ads to a marketing agency. Here are some benefits of working with a marketing agency for your Google Ads campaigns:


  • Expertise: A marketing agency will have experienced professionals who are trained in creating and managing successful Google Ads campaigns. They have a thorough knowledge of the Google Ads platform and the latest best practices, and they can apply this knowledge to your campaigns to maximize their effectiveness.

  • Time savings: Managing a Google Ads campaign can be time-consuming, especially if you are not familiar with the platform. By outsourcing your Google Ads to a marketing agency, you can free up time to focus on other aspects of your business while knowing your ads are in good hands.

  • Better results: A marketing agency will be able to use data and analytics to optimize your campaigns and improve their performance. They will be able to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to maximize the return on your ad spend.

Need help with Google Ads?

Contact us and we will be happy to help you.

Wat is Google Ads en hoe werkt het?
Hoe zet ik een Google Ads campagne op?
Welke zoekwoorden gebruik ik voor mijn Google advertentie?
Waarom Google Ads gebruiken voor bedrijven?
Hoe schrijf ik de advertentieteksten voor mijn Google advertenties?
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